Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Making My Kit

Well, camp has been a little quiet lately. The second round of games won't be up until next week and my cabin mates must be working hard on their kits because they haven't been around as much. I know that I'm working hard to make sure my spoilee Hermione Bagnold gets a wonderful kit!

Today my focus has been shifted a little bit from camp by the duties of real life. As the only knitter in my family, I am obligated to make any baby items that need making when a pregnancy is announced. My mom owled me this morning to request that I make a hat for a baby boy her friend is expecting. Off to my stash of blue yarn I go! I think I will go sit down by the lake, take in the scenery and knit a few rows of it.

I hope everyone else is having as much fun at camp as I am!


  1. You're such a good daughter -- gold star!

    I'm working a certain-someone's kit, too!!

    -Lavender O

  2. Well, I try my best. :)

    And I'm so excited to see what you come up with!
