Saturday, June 13, 2009

Settling In

Well, I've only just arrived at camp and I'm very happy with how things stand so far. Upon arriving at a rustic-looking establishment in the heart of the woods I was given my cabin assignment: The Manticore cabin. How amazing is that? Out of all the cabins, it's the one named after the fiercest and bloodiest animal! Of course Bridget the Bloodthirsty belongs in the place named after an animal with the head of a man, the body of a lion and the tail of a scorpion! I've heard that a sting from a manticore brings about instant death. Cool.

My kind of monster!

I have been introduced to my cabinmates and they all seem like cool people so far. At least none of them have run afoul my formiddable Slytherin temper as of yet. Our counselor is Antonio dela Weasley and he has been quite helpful in getting all of us regular campers settled in. I was a little bit nervous about being a first timer to camp, but I was quickly assured that the more experienced campers in my cabin would be there to help me out. There is at least one other first time camper in my cabin too - Gryphon the Great. He is much younger than I am, but from what I can tell so far he is probably more mature.

Well, I'm off to finish unpacking, wander around the forest a bit, talk to other campers and of course, knit by the lake and relax! I can't wait until the 15th when camp will start in earnest.

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